Delivering independent and expert economic insight to the hard problems facing corporates, government and Māori.
Cognitus offers specialist and independent expertise and experience in the economics of regulation, competition, governance, environmental policy and Treaty settlements.
Whether you need expert evidence, advice, analysis, research, representation or training, Cognitus offers clear, original and independent thinking, tailored to your needs.
Cognitus' thinking reflects the latest international economic research and debates. It also contributes to them.

Principal Economist, Dr Richard Meade
cognitus • adj. 1 known (from experience), tried/proved. 2 noted, acknowledged/recognised. (Oxford Latin Dictionary)
Article by Dr Meade on capital gains taxes issues makes top 10 articles in The Conversation for Griffith University authors in 2024. (Article Link)
Dr Meade attends and presents a paper at the Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Society (APIOS) conference, APIOC 2024, held at Sogang University, Seoul.
Dr Meade presents to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Australian Energy Regulator (AER), and the Australian Energy Market Commission (AMEC), on the challenges and policy tools for achieving the transition to net-zero in transport in a timely, efficient, equitable and orderly way, at the ACCC's Sydney offices and online.
Dr Meade presents two lectures in Brisbane as part of executive development programme run by the Centre of Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research at Griffith University: one on adapting electricity regulation for changing technologies, players and business models; another on economic policies and tools for addressing climate/environmental problems, with an application in achieving the transition to net-zero in transport.
Dr Meade appointed as Lay Member of the High Court on Commerce Act matters. (Official Press Release)
Dr Meade spends week with co-author at Griffith University, Professor Magnus Söderberg, completing working paper entitled Impact of Ownership Type on Electricity Distribution Utility Performance: Evidence Using Value for Money Perceptions of Swedish Consumers. (Download)
Dr Meade, with co-author Dr Mattia Girotti of Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, publishes working paper entitled Mutual-to-Stock Conversions and Customer Welfare: Evidence from U.S. Savings Banks. (Abstract, and Download Link)
High Court releases interim decision in landmark Nelson Tenths private law claim, taken against Crown by Nelson Māori for fiduciary breaches dating back to 1845, indicating likely relief in the order of hundreds of millions of dollars. Dr Meade provided independent economic expert evidence regarding required compensation for the plaintiff. (High Court Decision, High Court Media Release)
Cognitus assists government agency on competition-related matter.
Dr Meade to present executive development courses on energy economics, and environmental and climate economics, at Griffith University. (Course Details)
Dr Meade publishes think piece in The Conversation discussing fairness issues with capital gains taxes: What ‘Jack and Jill’ can teach us about the (un)fairness of capital gains taxes. (Article Link)
Dr Meade presents independent economic expert evidence in the High Court on behalf of independent midwives in their fair pay claim against the Crown (prepared with the assistance of Professor Riccardo Scarpa and Associate Professor Peter Tait). (News Article Link)
Dr Meade had the privilege of attending and paying his respects at the tangihanga of Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII at Turangawaewae Marae, Ngāruawāhia.
Dr Meade publishes think piece in The Conversation discussing how Big Oil could profit by championing the Green Transition, but policy measures (not including subsidies) could be required to enable this: What if Big Oil championed – and profited from – the green transition? Here’s how it could work. (Article Link)
Dr Meade publishes op-ed in The Post highlighting how past governments' policies have contributed to New Zealand's spiking wholesale electricity prices, and how the current government's responses could make matters worse: Twitchy fingers could make high electricity prices even worse. (Article Link)
Dr Meade attends 2024 workshop of the Competition Law and Policy Institute of New Zealand, with keynote addresses by Professor John Asker of UCLA, and Danielle Wood, Chair of the Australian Productivity Commission.
Cognitus advises major corporate on methodology for complex asset valuation.
Professor Meade presents his research on the optimal regulation of utilities (such as electricity, gas or water distribution networks) at the 64th annual conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists at Victoria University of Wellington. (Slides, Paper)
Dr Meade presents his valedictory address as retiring President of the Law & Economics Association of New Zealand, at Buddle Findlay, Wellington.
Professor Meade spends a week in Paris with co-author Dr Mattia Girotti at Universite Paris Dauphine, progressing research on the preferences of US bank sector depositors.
Professor Meade attends the 14th Toulouse Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate, hosted by the Toulouse Energy & Climate Center and Toulouse School of Economics, in Toulouse, France.
Professor Meade attends the eighth annual conference on competition policy, hosted by the Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) at the Norwegian School of Economics, in Bergen, Norway.
Professor Meade gives presentation in London to leading UK law firm involved in international reparations cases, Leigh Day, on contemporary reparations in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Professor Meade spends week in Queensland with co-author, Professor Magnus Söderberg, Director of Griffith University's Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research, progressing theoretical and empirical research on impacts of firm ownership type on electricity utility performance (joint work with Professor Darryl Biggar of Monash University).
Cognitus assists Scion and the National Māori Forestry Association (Ngā Pou a Tāne) with approaches for framing, assessing and realising the total economic value of Māori forestry interests.
Cognitus assists the National Māori Forestry Association (Ngā Pou a Tāne) with the development of a draft Māori forestry strategy.
Dr Meade makes submission to New Zealand's Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned, highlighting his Covid Loans proposal, modelled on student loans schemes, as a more cost-effective and equitable (and less inflationary) economic support measure than wage subsidies. (Scheme summary in The Conversation, Detailed analysis in peer-reviewed journal article)
Dr Meade adds another role to his portfolio after joining the Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research (CAEEPR) following his appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor at Griffith University in Queensland. (CAEEPR announcement, CAEEPR website, Meade profile at Griffith University website)
Dr Meade cross examined over five days in Wellington High Court hearings regarding historical shortfalls estimates he prepared as independent economic expert for plaintiff in Nelson Tenths claim. (RNZ article on claim)
Dr Meade explains in interviews for Stuff and RNZ National's The Panel why New Zealand food products and brands can sell for lower prices in overseas markets than in New Zealand. (Stuff article, The Panel Audio (from 11:15))
Report co-authored by Cognitus into costs and benefits of breaking up New Zealand's major supermarket chains proactively released with redactions by commissioning government agency, MBIE (Released version of report, Full release)
Study co-authored by Cognitus, Massey University and Motu Economic & Public Policy Research on the economic value of better recognising and protecting Maori taonga/treasures is published by the Ministry of Māori Development, Te Puni Kōkiri. (Report link)
Dr Meade gives president's address at AGM of the Law & Economics Association of New Zealand.
Cognitus congratulates Wi Pere Trust on its success as this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy award winners. (Award link)
High Court releases decision on the licensing of supermarket-based pharmacies in a case brought by the New Zealand Independent Community Pharmacy Group (the ICPG), finding that licensing to have been unlawful. Dr Meade provided independent economic expert evidence for the ICPG.
Dr Meade presents at Brisbane seminar on the Australian National Electricity Market organised by Griffith University's Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research (CAAEPR), discussing issues in and options for transitioning to net-zero emissions in transport systems.
Dr Meade interviewed by Dale Husband on Waatea Radio, discussing major funding increase announced in the 2023 Budget for kapa haka (Māori performing arts) national body Te Matatini. Cognitus developed a novel non-market valuation approach for valuing attendance at Te Matatini festivals as part of a wider study undertaken by researchers for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (the National Institute of Research Excellence for Māori Development and Advancement) at the University of Auckland. (Cognitus study, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga overview report)
Dr Meade interviewed by Sean Plunket on The Platform on the pros and cons of NZ Steel receiving a $140m allocation from the Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry fund to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from steel production.
Dr Meade attends Rotorua wānanga involving Māori forestry leaders on development of a Māori forestry strategy.
Dr Meade presents independent expert economist evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of the Wai 1718 claimants in relation to historical underfunding of kura kaupapa Māori language immersion schools.
New Zealand's "gold standard" free trade agreement with the UK to come into force sooner than expected. Cognitus assisted peak Māori body Te Taumata in identifying Māori interests in the NZ-UK FTA, and representing those interests to both the UK FTA negotiators and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Dr Meade interviewed by Dale Husband on Waatea Radio, discussing drivers of inflationary pressures, Aotearoa's Covid responses, and increasing roles of settled iwi in providing services often provided by government.
Dr Meade interviewed on Newshub's AM Show discussing economic levers that affect prices in supermarket sectors.
Dr Meade publishes article in The Conversation on inherent tensions in bank sectors between competition watchdogs and central banks, Rising bank profits highlight tensions between competition watchdogs and central banks. (Article)
Waitangi Tribunal releases report on Wai 3060 Justice System Kaupapa Inquiry. Dr Meade prepared economic evidence on optimal funding of judicial systems on behalf of Wai 745 claimants. (Waitangi Tribunal Report)
High Court releases judicial review decision regarding Waitangi Tribunal report awarding forest land and statutory compensation to Māori Claimants. Economic evidence on historical losses, and required economic base, was prepared for Waitangi Tribunal process by Dr Meade on behalf of claimants Te Aitanga a Māhaki and Mangatū Blocks Incorporated. (High Court Decision)
Dr Meade completes major piece of independent expert economic evidence.
Dr Meade publishes article, "Decarbonising Transport: Let the Market Decide, or Help it To?", in Logistics and Transport NZ, the official publication of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in New Zealand. (Article)
Supreme Court releases decision upholding the right of Wairarapa Moana Incorporation to seek the resumption of certain hydro generation assets on the Waikato River under the Waitangi Tribunal's limited powers of binding recommendation. Dr Meade provided independent expert economic evidence for Wairarapa Moana Incorporation in earlier Waitangi Tribunal hearings. (Summary of Supreme Court Decision)
Landmark Resource Management Act reforms announced by government. Cognitus advised Māori peak body, Te Tai Kaha Māori Collective, on aspects of its engagement with Ministry of the Environment regarding development of the reforms. (Government Announcements)
New Zealand Herald article reveals that Cognitus working with Coriolis and Sense Partners on assessment of supermarket divestment options for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. (Herald article)
Dr Meade presents expert evidence on disability support service underfunding in the Waitangi Tribunal's health kaupapa inquiry (Wai 2575).
Dr Meade co-presents with Andreas Heuser of Castalia in a webinar for the Law & Economics Association of New Zealand on issues and possible policy responses in transitioning to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in transport. (Slides)
Dr Meade presents extended webinar hosted by the Transport Knowledge Hub, and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, on the challenges and possible policy responses for transitioning to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in transport. (Slides, Report)
Dr Meade gives expert economic evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal on optimal justice system design, drawing on insights from institutional economics, and law and economics.
Dr Meade interviewed by Newshub Late on the unintended but likely costs to consumers of government's latest announcements to intervene in New Zealand's groceries sector.
Dr Meade participates as panelist on a webinar co-hosted by Te Matatini and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga discussing research he and kaupapa Māori researchers undertook into the benefits of kapa haka, the Māori performing arts. (Webinar recording)
Dr Meade presents on the challenges and possible policy responses for transitioning to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in transport, at the 2022 annual conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists. (Slides)
Dr Meade presents to Creative New Zealand on the use of non-market valuation techniques for valuing culture. (Slides)
Dr Meade interviewed by Newshub Late on government's announcement of heavier supermarket sector regulation than that recommended by the Commerce Commission, highlighting threat of deterring the very sort of competition the government claims to seek. (Newshub Late video)
Dr Meade interviewed by Newshub to discuss the Clean Car Upgrade scheme announced in New Zealand's inaugural Emissions Reduction Plan. (Scheme details, Newshub story and video)
Dr Meade interviewed by Michael Laws on The Platform to discuss the Clean Car Upgrade scheme announced in New Zealand's inaugural Emissions Reduction Plan, the emissions profile of electric vehicles, and electricity sector requirements for clean transport. (Scheme details)
Dr Meade interviewed by RNZ National and Newshub Late on consumer perils of proposals by Consumer NZ for stronger government intervention in the groceries sector. (RNZ story, RNZ audio, Newshub video)
Dr Meade interviewed by Sean Plunket on The Platform about policy issues surrounding New Zealand's "cash for clunkers" vehicle scrappage scheme for promoting electric vehicle uptake by low-income households, as proposed in the country's 2021 Emissions Reduction Plan. (Interview Link)
Dr Meade provides expert economic evidence for High Court judicial review.
Chapman Tripp describes NZ-UK free trade agreement as a high-water mark for Māori. Cognitus advised Te Taumata, the peak Māori body engaging with MFAT in the negotiation of the NZ-UK FTA. (Chapman Tripp article)
Dr Meade interviewed on ABC show The Virus on the economic costs of long covid. (Video)
Dr Meade offers heartfelt congratulations to Tā (Sir) Tipene O'Regan on his much-deserved Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Award for 2022. Dr Meade was a member of the Ngāi Tahu Negotiating Group that negotiated the iwi's landmark 1998 Treaty settlement under Tā Tipene's leadership, building on decades of his vision and hard work in advancing Ngāi Tahu interests. (Award link)
Dr Meade featured in podcast by This Climate Business, discussing platform competition issues and associated policy/regulatory responses in transitioning to net-zero emissions in transport systems - including repurposing existing energy infrastructures, and franchise bidding for monopoly rights to build clean energy infrastructures. (Podcast link, Associated Study, Conversation Article)
Cognitus provides advice to Māori peak body - FOMA Te Aukaha - on impacts of agricultural emissions pricing proposals (He Waka Eke Noa) on Māori landowners, managers and users.
UK signs "gold standard" free trade deal with New Zealand, eliminating or phasing out UK tariffs on all NZ exports (including agricultural exports). Cognitus assisted peak Māori trade body, Te Taumata, in identifying key Māori interests in a UK-NZ FTA, and by engaging with NZ and UK trade negotiators to progress those interests. (Article, Study)
Dr Meade publishes article in The Conversation: Harnessing the fossil fuel industry to combat climate change? It’s more than a pipe dream. (Article Link, Related Report)
Report co-authored for Kāhui Wai Māori by Dr Meade and leading Māori legal scholar Professor Jacinta Ruru released by Ministry for the Environment: Te Mana o te Wai: Māori Rights and Interests in Freshwater Bodies. (Download)
BusinessDesk publishes article on Cognitus' report, Achieving a Timely, Efficient, Equitable and Orderly Transition to Net-Zero Emissions for Transport and Heating in New Zealand: Part 1 – Framing the Challenge. Article is misleadingly entitled "'Net zero' chance of hitting emissions targets – report", whereas the Cognitus report explores at length how a net-zero transition might actually be achieved. (Cognitus Report)
Dr Meade interviewed for BusinessDesk article on competition impacts of proposed 2 Degrees/Orcon merger. (Article)
Interview with Dr Meade on economic costs of long covid included in 2021 highlights of RT UK's Alex Salmond Show. (Video)
Dr Meade renews call for Covid loans to support businesses as Omicron looms, in As omicron lurks, hard-hit businesses need a new kind of support published in The Spinoff. (Article)
Cognitus advises Ngāi Tahu on the commercial and cultural valuation impacts of proposed Southeast marine protected areas.
Cognitus publishes Achieving a Timely, Efficient, Equitable and Orderly Transition to Net-Zero Emissions for Transport and Heating in New Zealand: Part 1 – Framing the Challenge, discussion paper prepared for Vector Limited, Powerco Limited, and First Gas Limited, November 2021. (Download, Summary Slides)
Cognitus completes review of the economics literature on the pros and cons of vertical integration in electricity sectors, commissioned by the Electricity Retailers' Association of New Zealand. (Download)
Ministry for the Environment releases discussion document prepared by Dr Meade on the role of Māori in the transition to a low-emissions economy. (Report link)
Further call made by Auckland CBD business group head for Treasury to consider covid loans proposal made by Dr Meade. (RNZ National Link)
In-principle agreement on UK-NZ FTA lauded as a game-changer for Māori. Peak body representing Māori trade interests, Te Taumata, drew on report co-authored by Cognitus highlighting key opportunities for Māori when engaging with MFAT and UK High Commission. (Te Taumata Announcement, Opportunities Report)
Dr Meade publishes article in The Spinoff on the urgency of additional economic support measures for locked down businesses, One Chance to Avoid a Needless Bonfire of Auckland Business. (Article)
Dr Meade's covid loans proposal suggested as possible pandemic support measure for the UK, as part of interview he gave to former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond on the economics of long covid, for RT UK's Alex Salmond Show. (Interview Link, Covid Loans Summary, Covid Loans Detail)
Waitangi Tribunal releases landmark report making binding recommendations against the Crown in favour of Māori claimants seeking return of Mangatū Crown forest land, awarding maximum possible statutory compensation in addition to ordering land return. Dr Meade provided independent expert evidence on historical losses, required economic base, and available statutory compensation for the largest successful claimant group, Te Aitanga a Māhaki and Mangatū Incorporation. (Tribunal Report)
Renewed call made for urgent introduction of covid economic support measure of the sort proposed by Dr Meade, to avoid collapse of people-facing Auckland CBD businesses due to repeated lockdowns. (RNZ National Audio)
Dr Meade interviewed by Kate Hawkesby of Newstalk ZB on his covid loans proposal. (Summary and Audio)
Public call made for Dr Meade's covid loans proposal to be formally responded to by Treasury, in response to escalating business hardship caused by ongoing lockdowns. (Press Release, RNZ National Article, RNZ National Audio)
Dr Meade participates on panel discussion at the Electric Power Optimization Centre (EPOC) 2021 winter workshop, focusing on the pros and cons of separating New Zealand's vertically integrated electricity companies.
Dr Meade presents to the Department of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, on the optimal regulation of non-profit, publicly-owned water infrastructure utilities, as proposed for New Zealand's 3 Waters reforms. (Slides)
Dr Meade presents to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on repositioning electricity sector regulation to maximise consumer benefits from disruptive new technologies, business models and players. (Slides)
Dr Meade publishes op-ed in National Business Review questioning whether the Commerce Commission is being required to use the right test in market studies: Supermarkets study highlights need for workable regulation. (Article Link)
Dr Meade presents his research on estimating the cultural value of kapa haka (the Māori performing arts) using travel cost models, to the Government Economics Network, Wellington.
Dr Meade publishes article in The Conversation on why long Covid costs should be accounted for when easing pandemic restrictions. (Article Link)
Dr Meade presents his proposed pandemic economic support measures ("Covid loans") to UK all-party parliamentary group. (Slides)
Dr Meade appointed President of the Law & Economics Association of New Zealand (LEANZ).
Dr Meade presents his research on estimating the cultural value of kapa haka using non-market valuation techniques, at 2021 annual conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Dr Meade completes revisions to applied research that uses oligopoly theory to estimate the impacts of 19th century land tenure institutions on Māori tribes. (Download)
Cognitus completes discussion document for Ministry for the Environment on the role of Māori in the transition to a low-emissions economy.
Dr Meade publishes revised version of research paper analysing bank sector competition: Competition between Customer- and Investor-Owned Banks with Differentiated Deposit Supply and Loan Demand. (Download)
Dr Meade publishes We need to prepare our economy for Covid 2.0 in the NZ Herald, on the urgency to prepare economic support measures before they are next needed due to a pandemic. (Article)
Dr Meade co-authors discussion document with Peter Rice, for Te Taumata, on identifying Māori interests in the UK-NZ free-trade agreement - first presented at Māori trade hui in Kerikeri, and now released. (Full Report, Hui details)
Cognitus publishes report commissioned by Northern Energy Group on role of customer-owned electricity distribution businesses in accelerating uptake of distributed energy resources like solar panels (PV), batteries and electric vehicles (EVs). (Download)
Cognitus acting for peak Māori body on Resource Management Act reforms, and Māori rights and interests in freshwater.
Dr Meade in dialogue with European Commission officials on his proposed "covid loans" as a pandemic economic support measure that is more cost-effective and equitable than wage subsidies. (Summary of Proposal in The Conversation)
Dr Meade gives webinar, on behalf of Auckland University of Technology, to representatives of Indonesian government agency responsible for assessment and application of technology, on Factors and Policies Affecting Electric Vehicle Uptake.
Dr Meade publishes a research study on the cultural value of kapa haka: Exploring the Cultural Value of Kapa Haka – the Māori Performing Arts – using a Binomial Logit and Other Travel Cost Models. (Download)
Cognitus completes an expert report for the New Zealand Commerce Commission on Section 36 matters under the Commerce Act.
Cognitus commissioned by Te Taumata to co-author (with Peter Rice) a discussion document to help identify Māori interests in NZ-UK FTA negotiations.
Dr Meade attends Parliament for introduction of legislation to settle historical Treaty claims of Moriori. Cognitus assisted Hokotehi Moriori Trust with its settlement negotiations.
Dr Meade has op-ed published in The Conversation discussing his proposed "COVID loans": "Would 'COVID loans' be a more affordable and sustainable way to support national economies?" (Article Link)
Policy paper setting out Dr Meade's proposal for Covid-19 economic response measures that are cheaper, more comprehensive and more equitable than debt-funded wage subsidies published in peer-reviewed academic economics journal, New Zealand Economic Papers. (Version of Record, Accepted Manuscript)
Dr Meade completes a study for Auckland University's Māori Centre of Research Excellence (Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga) using travel cost model techniques to estimate the cultural value of kapa haka, the Māori performing arts.
Dedicated section added to Cognitus website's publications page listing Dr Meade's covid-related contributions and outputs. (Link)
Dr Meade publishes working paper entitled Vaccinating the Economy Against Covid-19: Ex Post Revenue Insurance for Firms and Households to Sustain Economic Confidence and Aggregate Demand. (Download)
Dr Meade delivers guest lecture on data-based disruption in electricity sectors to power system engineering students at Auckland University of Technology. (Slides)
Cognitus presents to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on Repositioning Electricity Regulation in Anticipation of Data-Based Disruption. (Slides)
Dr Meade gives expert evidence before Environment Court, assessing economic, social and cultural costs and benefits of reallocating nitrogen discharge allowances in Lake Rotorua catchment under Bay of Plenty Regional Council's Rule PC10.
Nobel Laureate, Professor Jean Tirole of Toulouse School of Economics, gives public webinar on "Digital Dystopia" at University of Auckland Business School (event link, video). Dr Meade participated on invited panel of discussants.
Dr Meade presents at New Zealand Electricity Authority on data-based disruption in electricity sectors; rebalancing electricity sector regulatory architecture in response to new technologies, business models and players; and pros and cons of disruptive technologies being owned by different industry or non-industry parties. (Slides)
Dr Meade presents on the economics of reparations at University of Auckland webinar. (Slides)
Dr Meade provides commentary for Consumer NZ article on market power in New Zealand supermarket industry. (Article link)
Data-based disruption of electricity sectors - as predicted by Cognitus - may be about to emerge, following groundbreaking tie-up between Vector Limited and Amazon Web Services for development of New Energy Platform. (Vector announcement, Cognitus Slides, Cognitus Report).
Cognitus argues that effective financial support measures for both households and firms are urgently needed to limit the transmission of COVID19 and its economic impacts. (Download)
Dr Meade presents his proposal for limiting COVID's economic harm using "student loans" for businesses and households, to independent and non-partisan Australian public policy think tank, Grattan Institute. (Slides)
Cognitus advises R&D joint venture with complex cross-ownership arrangements on options for commercialising its intellectual property.
Dr Meade presents his proposal for limiting COVID's economic harm using "student loans" for businesses and households to Auckland Rotary, addressing implementation issues. (Slides)
Dr Meade has Research Fellowship renewed with Auckland University of Technology School of Economics. Now has fellowships in both economics, and social sciences and public policy.
Dr Meade co-presents with Andreas Heuser of Castalia and Dr Eric Crampton of the New Zealand Initiative in LEANZ Webinar: Limiting COVID's Economic Fallout. (Slides, Video, commentaries by Arthur Grimes, Michael Reddell)
Cognitus prepares Environment Court evidence for a coalition comprising Bay of Plenty iwi and Rotorua Lakes Council on the economic consequences of those iwi receiving a free allocation of nitrogen discharge allowances in the Lake Rotorua catchment.
Cognitus calls for urgent formation of independent and non-partisan panel of "wise economic heads" to assist government in charting a course through the COVID-19 economic crisis. (Download)
Dr Meade interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ National Nine to Noon programme to discuss his "student loans" scheme proposal to help both businesses and households through COVID19 economic disruptions. (Audio Link)
Cognitus critically appraises government's latest business support package. Continues to call for generalised low cost loans scheme for both businesses and households, repaid by higher tax rates for borrowers (like student loans scheme). (Download)
Cognitus contributes to urgent global policy debates about minimising the economic impacts of COVID19 lockdowns, publishing Keeping the Economy Going in COVID19 Lockdown – A Proposal for "Low Cost" Generalised Insurance of Business and Household Incomes. (Download)
Waitangi Tribunal releases landmark preliminary determinations for Maraetai power station and Ngāumu forest land assets and statutory compensation - worth up to $1.2 billion - to be transferred to Wairarapa iwi to settle historical claims under the Treaty of Waitangi (Tribunal Determinations, WMI Announcement, WMI Press Release):
Expert economic evidence and testimony on historical losses and required economic base provided to claimants - Wairarapa Moana Incorporation and Ngāi Tūmapūhia-ā-Rangi - by Dr Richard Meade of Cognitus Economic Insight. (Link to Cognitus' Māori/Treaty services page)
Cognitus trading as normal through COVID-19 level 4 lockdown, but suspending physical contact with clients, associates and suppliers in accordance with official requirements. Best wishes to all those clients, associates and suppliers and their families as we work together to keep each other well and weather the storm.
Working paper completed by Dr Meade, modelling competition between investor-owned ("stock") and customer-owned ("mutual") banks. (Download)
Dr Meade appointed as a Senior Research Fellow at Auckland University of Technology's Social Sciences and Public Policy department, in recognition of his application of economics to social policy questions, notably those relevant to Māori.
Research report co-authored by Cognitus and NZIER, on estimating demand for competition analyses, released by MBIE. (Download)
Research co-authored by Dr Meade, on New Zealand electricity lines company performance, published in A*-ranked academic journal Energy Economics. (Article link)
Dr Meade participates in Closing Panel Discussion: Investigating the Digital Outlook for New Zealand Business, at Advancing Digital & IT Law conference, Auckland.
Summary version released of Cognitus' major White Paper on preparing electricity regulation for disruptive technologies, business models and players, focusing on electricity distribution. (Summary Report)
Dr Meade presents at Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on data-based disruption in electricity sectors; rebalancing electricity sector regulatory architecture in response to new technologies, business models and players; and pros and cons of disruptive technologies being owned by different industry or non-industry parties. (Slides)
Dr Meade interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ National's Nine to Noon programme, discussing policy approaches for influencing uptake of battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles. (Audio link).
Dr Meade presents paper on modelling differentiated competition between mutual and investor-owned banks at New Zealand Microeconomics Study Group meeting, University of Auckland. (Slides)
Dr Meade presents on economic applications to School of Social Sciences, Auckland University of Technology.
Dr Meade presents paper on measuring prosumer welfare, and participates on panel discussion of issues facing the New Zealand electricity market, at the Electric Power Optimization Centre's 18th winter workshop, at University of Auckland. (Workshop website)
Dr Meade gives interview to newsroom.co.nz for comment ahead of Commerce Commission's release of its draft fuel market study. (Article link)
Dr Meade gives presentation to the Commerce Commission on data-based disruption in electricity sectors; rebalancing electricity sector regulatory architecture in response to new technologies, business models and players; and pros and cons of disruptive technologies being owned by different industry or non-industry parties. (Slides)
Deed of settlement for Moriori historical Treaty claims initialled at Parliament. Cognitus advised and represented Hokotehi Moriori Trust in relation to special factors affecting settlement redress amount. (RNZ National link)
Dr Meade interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ National's Nine to Noon programme, discussing digital disruption in the New Zealand electricity sector (Audio link).
Dr Meade gives evidence on historical losses and required economic bases, before the Waitangi Tribunal, jointly on behalf of Te Aitanga a Māhaki and Mangatū Incorporation, Ngāi Tūmapūhia-ā-Rangi, and Wairarapa Moana Incorporation.
Dr Meade presents paper on modelling electricity prosumer behaviour, at Toulouse School of Economics' Twelfth Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate, Toulouse, June. (Slides)
Dr Meade spends week developing bank sector research with co-author, Dr Mattia Girotti, at Bank of France, Paris, June.
Dr Meade gives presentation to Treasury and MBIE on data-based disruption in electricity sectors, efficiently dynamic regulation, and rebalancing electricity sector regulatory architecture in response to new technologies, business models and players. (Slides)
Cognitus interviewed by Stuff in relation to changing retail fuel market competition in Wellington and the South Island.
Dr Meade presents expert evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of Wairarapa Moana Incorporation, in relation to the Incorporation's application to resume the land and improvements comprising the Maraetai power station. (Link to Māori services)
Cognitus makes critical submission on Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together (Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini): Report by the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce. (Download)
Dr Meade publishes working paper on how Māori cultural preferences for land affect well-being and relative profitability from land use. (Download)
Dr Meade presents on political economy of water reform at New Zealand Initiative's annual Members' Retreat. (Slides)
Cognitus makes submission to the ACCC's Digitial Platforms Inquiry, on the economics of privacy in the digital age. (Covering Message, Report)
Cognitus publishes major independent White Paper entitled "Preparing Electricity Regulation for Disruptive Technologies, Business Models and Players - In the Long-Term Interests of Consumers". (Download)
Dr Meade publishes working paper using micro-economic foundations to show the impact of firm ownership by consumers on consumer preferences. (Download)
Cognitus completes brief of evidence for the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of Wairarapa Moana Incorporation, estimating historical losses from Public Works Act takings in relation to the Maraetai hydro-electric power scheme on the Waikato River, and the Incorporation's required economic base. (Link to Māori services)
Dr Meade presents paper on measuring prosumer welfare and estimating residual electricity demand when households can invest in solar panels and related distributed energy resources - at 8th VUW Microeconomics Workshop (Wellington), and 2018 Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Society conference (University of Melbourne).
Dr Meade teaches invited lecture on economics of ownership at University of Auckland.
Dr Meade presents expert evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of Ngāi Tūmapūhia-ā-Rangi, evaluating forest-land related statutory compensation and the hapū's required economic base.
Dr Meade gives two presentations to the Commerce Commission, on data-based disruption and the economics of privacy, and modelling the prosumer (specifically, households with distributed energy resources like solar panels). (Prosumer Slides, Prosumer Paper)
Dr Meade presents expert evidence before the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of Te Aitanga a Mahaki and Mangatu Incorporation, estimating land-based and non-land historical losses dating as far back as the 19th century.
Dr Meade discusses Commerce Commission's impending market studies powers at 29th annual CLPINZ workshop, Chapman Tripp, Wellington.
Dr Meade interviewed by Radio Live about competition in New Zealand fuel industry, and discusses related 2017 study co-authored by Cognitus, NZIER and Grant Thornton for MBIE. (MBIE website information, Report download)

Dr Meade (right) with Professor Aviv Nevo, leading researcher in empirical industrial organisation, and Director of the Bureau of Economics at the US Federal Trade Commission, at the 2024 BECCLE competition policy conference in Bergen, Norway.

Dr Meade presenting at CAEEPR electricity markets seminar in Brisbane.